From California to
Cape Town: Something to Think about on World Environment Day
What do the Western Cape in South Africa and the state of
California in the United States have in common? One, they were both home to
indigenous people who were marginalized by the forces of colonialism and
imperialism. Two, these outsiders developed ‘neo-European’ settlements that
followed the logics, interests and loves of Europeans. Three, when things
proved to be ‘not quite right’ – i.e. that the soils were different or the
rainfall patterns rain counter to European sensibilities – nature was ‘harnessed’
via a combination of capital and technology – to accommodate European ideas of
what it meant to be civilized. Four, over time, these rich coastal settlements
grew into massive conurbations whose hinterlands became thriving agicultural
areas. The response to pressures for more resources – for more land for cities
and crops; for more water for people and crops – was a dramatic altering of the
natural landscape. Five, humans in both environments came to live apart from,
rather than as part of their natural environment. Bimodal rainfall regimes,
where there is one distinct wet and one distinct dry season, were compensated
for through massive hydraulic works. Land unsuited for agriculture was now home
to several crops per year due to the combination of artificial fertilizer and
advances in groundwater pumping and systems of irrigation. And millions of
people lived at rivers’ end, along the coast, dependent upon water pumped over
hundreds of kilometres, up and down and sometimes through mountain ranges,
right into their own homes.
California has done a better job of ensuring enough water
for all, partly due to the success of the imperial/colonial enterprise. Unlike
the American west, where native Americans died out in vast numbers often due to
disease carried to them by white settlers, in South Africa, indigneous Africans
suffered no such large-scale extermination. Rather, they were ‘corralled’ into
homelands and townships, only later to break these shackles of oppression and
return – in the millions – to cities such as Cape Town where settler
infrastructure was ill-prepared for the needs of one and all. Nevertheless,
while the scale is different, there are common racial and class specific
effects of drought and flood in both the Western Cape and California. If you
are African-American or Mexican-American you are just as likely to suffer the
negative effects of extreme events as are poor indigenous Africans in the
Western Cape while those richer and most often lighter in skin color suffer
very little: so, this is the six common point of comparison.
Seven, in both of these regions, where drought and flood are
‘normal’ meteorological events, neither the Cape nor California is fully
prepared to cope with their negative impacts. California has just come out of a
multi-year drought. The Western Cape has suffered an extreme drought this year
and is about to come out of it in a dramatic way, as a monster cold front makes
its way toward the south-western tip of the African continent. What did
California learn from its multi-year drought? What systems have been put in
place to cope with the next ‘big one’? Sure, a few laws have been passed and
people have learned about how water is used where and by whom for what
end. But I would venture to say, the
disaster reduction response is not sufficient to prepare California for the
next big drought. Worse is the Western Cape. In Cape Town, climate change policies
and programs have focused heavily on carbon-neutral energy production and flood
preparedness. What of drought? Another dam? Heightening the walls of existing
dams? Where water management devices have been installed, they are where the
need is greatest but access worst: in the townships, among the squatter
settlements. Meanwhile, like California, the wealthy shower both themselves and
their plants at will, while big agriculture continues apace, tapping
groundwater where no surface water is available. This is not planning for the
next big one. This is simply hoping to wait it out, all the while praying for
rain. In my view, praying for rain is not an appropriate water management
strategy. I have my own opinions as to why business as usual continues, but you
the reader should wonder why, in places with money, technology and know how,
the action plan is to get on your knees and pray. Happy world environment day!
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